Every time I did put the dentures in, I had to use so much fixative that it was literally sickening! No matter how many times I complained to my dentist, my words fell on deaf ears. He'd look at them and say uh-huh and hmmmm and then stick them right back in my mouth and send me packing.
The dentures have, of course, loosened up over the ensuing two years, and I knew a reline was going to have to be done, but I wasn't EVER going back to the dentist who made my dentures in the first place, and I really didn't have the money to go anywhere at all. I decided to give Perma Soft Denture Reliner Kit a try because after all -- what did I have to lose? It was SO easy to do (my daughter helped me, so we were able to do the uppers and lowers at the same time.
For the first time ever, I was able to get a bite very close to my real bite. At first when reading the reviews here, I was put off by all the complaints about the taste because I have a highly acute palate, but all the horror stories just don't jibe with my experience. The taste was strong but not horrible when first applying the material and putting the dentures in to get the right fit. After that, the taste was slightly noticeable the first couple of times I put the dentures in (I take them out every night and often take them out during the day when I'm in not out in public), but the taste faded quickly, and the dentures actually fit better than they ever have, and I don't have to use fixative unless I'm eating something especially chewy or crunchy. I can't even say what a pleasure it is to be able to slip them in and head out the door -- for the first time in two years, I don't have to stand there and put in the fixative, set in the dentures, clean off the ooze around the edges
I definitely recommend 100%